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Teen Positive Parenting Seminars at Mount Lawley SHS






















In Term 1 of every school year, I co-facilitate the Teen Triple P Seminar at Mount Lawley SHS, along with our School Nurse, Mary Keeley.


Teen Triple P Seminar is a broad-based parenting program delivered over three weeks for parents of teenagers up to 15 years old and who are interested in learning a variety of positive parenting skills. Parents may be interested in promoting their teenagers development and potential or they may have concerns about their teenager’s behaviour that they want to change. The program involves three (1.5 hour) seminars covering topics such as raising competent, resilient and happy teenagers. Parents may choose to attend any of the three seminars, but it is recommended that they attend all three to get the full benefit.

Smiling Mind - Research into benefits of meditation and mindfulness

Meditate towards a happier school (Education Today - Term 4 2016)

See PDF file below for the article.

Article in The Voice

by Stephen Pollock 27 June 2015




Teen Positive Parenting Program at Mount Lawley SHS

August 2015


In Term 3, I will be co-facilitating the Teen Triple P program at Mount Lawley SHS, along with two of my school psychology colleagues, Erin Pratt (School Psychologist at Ellenbrook Secondary College) and Anh Rivera (School Psychologist at Central Office).


Group Teen Triple P is a broad-based parenting intervention delivered over eight weeks for parents of teenagers up

to 16 years old and who are interested in learning a variety of parenting skills. Parents may be interested in

promoting their teenagers development and potential or they may have concerns about their teenager’s behaviour

that they want to change. The program involves four (2 hour) group sessions of up to 12 parents. Parents actively

participate in a range of exercises to learn about the causes of adolescent behaviour problems, setting specific

goals, and using strategies to promote a teenager’s skills development, managing inappropriate behaviour and

teaching emotional self-regulation. Parents also learn how to plan around risk-taking behaviour or risky situations.

Then there are three (15 to 30 minute) individual telephone consultations to assist parents with independent

problem solving while they are practising the skills at home.


Health Committee Gearing up for Year 12 Chill Out Day 2015

2 September 2015



Mount Lawley SHS boasts an enthusiastic and active Health Committee that is in charge of organising a variety of health promotion initiatives across the school, such as Ride to School Day, National Day Against Bullying, R U OK Day, Health Expo, and much more!


The committee consists of a number of Student Services staff and teachers - Suzie Barnes (Healthy Active Coordinator), the School Nurse, Iva Filipovska (School Psychologist), Natalie Tempone (PE Teacher), Catherine Smith (VET/Careers Coordinator), Jennifer Heal (PE Teacher), Alice Basini (English Teacher).


In September this year, the committee is organising the annual Chill Out Day to promote a balanced approach to study and play for all our Year 12 students. We are excited to showcase a variety of activities, talks, information booths, as well as provide free healthy lunches for our Year 12s.


For more information - watch this space! The Year 12 Chill Out day is scheduled for 2nd September 2015 and we have invited a special guest speaker to talk about the importance of sleep and the impact of sleep disorders on schooling and mental health.


On behalf of the Health Committee

Reflections, Connections, Directions (RCD) at Mount Lawley SHS

28 July 2015


Mount Lawley SHS is dedicated to supporting students who are struggling to meet the educational requirements for attaining WACE. To this end, we have designed a program to address the needs of Year 11 students who are not meeting requirements for achieveing WACE and offer this program each year in Term 3.



Parents of these students are invited to attend the Information Night on 28th July 2015, Tuesday between 7pm and 8:30pm to find out more about the pathways available for their son or daughter and how they can help them achieve their goals.





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