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Being a successful student is not unachievable, but it does require desire, dedication and a lot of work. If you want learn how to become more successful in your study, then you've come to the right place. The information on this page has lots of helpful study skills tips, guides and other websites that will provide you with everything you need in order to learn how to learn more effectively.

Curtin's Student Box


Here you'll find sample tests, practice exams, solutions and revision notes. Student Box have a list of the WACE subject revision resources they currently offer. If the WACE subject you are looking for is not listed on their website, it's because they don't have any revision resources for it.


All of the revision resources provided on Studentbox are uploaded by their members. If you have any good study notes, sample tests, practice exams etc... you can upload them onto Studentbox and help out other students.

The Study Den


This is a great site where you can find some very useful essay writing skills for high school and beyond. Some of the resources on the website are free and others you can purchase.


  • How to plan your essay - including iPhone App for essay planning on the go!

  • Research tips

  • Write: introductions and conclusions

  • Study tips

  • Facebook & Twitter

  • VOMITS technique for exam essays

Shmoop Flash Cards


Here is where you can create your own online flashcards to help with your study and revision.

How To Study


This website has information about how to prepare for studying, how to study for different subjects and lots more. It is aimed for university students, but it still has very useful information for high school students.

Study Guides and Strategies


The Study Guides Web site is a learner-centric educational public service. Lots of resources here for time management, beating procrastination, researching, writing an assigment or essay and lots more.

Study Vibe


Study Vibe have lots of cool tools to help you organise yourself and help you figure out how to study more effectively.

Being an Independent Learner GUIDE







Subject Audit Worksheet




Writing Effectively GUIDE





Exam Revision GUIDE




Study Timetable





Study Planning and Goal Setting

Study Organisation

Referencing guide

Time Management

School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA)


The School Curriculum and Standards Authority recognises that individual students, under circumstances outlined in the special provisions policy, may need special external assessment arrangements to allow them to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understandings within certain courses.  The underlying principle of special provisions is to ensure that the most appropriate, fair and reasonable arrangements and options are available for students to demonstrate their capabilities where their external assessment is affected by illness, impairment or personal circumstances. Special provisions are available for practical and written examinations.

In considering the eligibility for special provisions, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority is mindful of the need to balance the competing demands of allowing students to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understandings with the need to preserve the academic integrity of the assessment process.


There are two types of special provisions for the WACE examinations:


  • Special examination arrangements – Candidates who have a temporary or permanent disability, illness and/or specific learning disability that could disadvantage them in timed assessments may apply to sit an examination under special conditions.  Application is made prior to the examinations.

  • Sickness/misadventure provisions – Candidates who suffer from a temporary sickness, non-permanent disability or an unforeseen event close to or during the examinations which they believe may have resulted in performance below expectations or non-attendance in particular examinations are given the opportunity to apply for assessment consideration.  Application is made immediately after the examinations.


Specific eligibility criteria apply for each form of special provision.



Middle School Study Skills



Senior School Study Skills



​​​Study Tactics Checklist (Uni of Victoria)                             

Students have found these ideas very useful for learning better in less time.



Learning Skills (James Cook Uni)                            

Determine your learning style, study smarter not harder, note taking, studying for Exams.





Exam Techniques (Monash Uni)                                 

Help with exam techniques, specific to selected question types - samples provided.




Moving on - University Preparation



Study Skills Seminar - Term 1 2017 Mount Lawley SHS







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